robot insects

Robot insects, birds, pets, sharks, cooks and more . . .

As a cyborg with both organic and electronic parts I feel a deep fascination with the advance of robotics and especially robots mimicking real life.  Here are 10 robots that do just that . . .

It's unfortunate that some of these robots are developed with killing in mind . . . military funds much of current robotic development.  A cause for alarm?  Perhaps, especially if this episode of black mirror is any indication of what's to come: 

But whether these robots are controlled by humans or become self aware at some future date, the future of robotics is gaining more interest around the globe.  Some believe that one day a technological singularity will occur that forever changes the course of human existence. 

You may fear or welcome the advance of robotics, or a combination of the two.  My hope is that through their study I can find answers to the universal questions of who I am and where I came from.